Sunday, March 20, 2016

First Post!

...wait, 'first' is what traditionally gets put in the comments section, isn't it? I'm just starting this off and I'm already messing things up!

Well, it's too late to change it now. Mistakes were made and we'll all just have to live with them.

Welcome, one and all, to Save vs Editor, a blog featuring home-brewed rules and systems for a variety of tabletop games that I play in, world-building for a setting I'm working on, my thoughts and ideas about both playing, running, and writing role-playing games, and whatever else on the subject that I feel like writing down.

To offer you, the reader, a little background about me: I've been tabletop gaming since I was 13 years old and discovered the red box of D&D, and have never really stopped. My experience runs the gamut of both venue and genre - I've played on actual tabletops, over the medium of online text (MUSHes), and live and in person (LARPing); I've played D&D, Cyberpunk 2020, TORG, World of Darkness (both old and new), and dozens of other tabletop games. I've played in NERO, Vampire, and Dystopia Rising LARPs, amongst some smaller troupe games. Let's not even get into all the video games I've played!

I have a minor contributing writer's credit in the 1st edition Werewolf Player's Guide by White Wolf Publishing, and I'm a contributing writer in the Aethera Pathfinder Campaign Setting by Encounter Table Publishing (out later this year!). I hope to find more freelance work in the future, and who knows, maybe one day I'll have a book of my own published.

Until then, I offer you my writings here, for those who might be interested.

May you always save for half damage,

Jeff Dahl


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